At it’s most basic level, dental bonding is the process of putting a tooth-colored resin material on teeth and curing it so that it hardens. A dental procedure such as this has obvious applications in cosmetic dentistry, such as fixing chipped teeth with dental bonding as well as filling in gaps or changing the color of the tooth. Dental bonding can also be used in less cosmetic applications, however. Here are two other applications of dental bonding that are not cosmetic:
Dental Fillings
Since dental bonding utilizes a resin that is liquid and then hardens, it can be used for dental fillings, much like dental amalgam was used for fillings. The dentist will layer multiple layers of resin and cure them in order to create a strong seal with the cavity. Since the resin is tooth-colored these fillings naturally have a built-in cosmetic element to them, though the primary goal with composite dental fillings is to treat dental caries.
Covering Exposed Roots
When someone has severe gum recession, parts of the tooth root that are usually covered by gum tissue are now exposed. This can cause extreme sensitivity in the the tooth. To combat this sensitivity, a dentist may recommend dental bonding to cover the exposed tooth root.
This solution is only temporary, however. Gum disease and gum recession should be addressed by a periodontist (a gum specialist) like the one at Natick Dental Health. Deep cleanings and surgery are the only ways to treat the underlying gum disease that caused the tooth recession to begin with.
In addition to these two uses, dental bonding is used heavily in cosmetic dentistry. This is because dental bonding gives a lot of flexibility in reshaping teeth. It’s a minimally-invasive, low cost option for cosmetic dentistry that often requires little to no enamel removal, when compared to restorations such as crowns and veneers. You would be surprised what a difference dental bonding can make, with a little adjustment here and a small adjustment there.
If you live near Natick and are interested in what dental bonding can do for your smile, don’t hesitate to book a cosmetic dental consultation with one of our cosmetic dentists. Our team would love to welcome you to our dental office and help you achieve a beautiful smile.